
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tonight was so great.

I met a new boyyyy.
He is so cute
and is the nicest and most caring guy I've ever met.

Like, when I told him I was going on a walk and it was dark, he told me to be careful and to bring a flashlight, and I thought to myself "No guy I've ever dated, or practically anyone, has ever seemed to care enough to say things like that". I know that sounds somewhat cynical, but I dunno.

I really like him.


, 2:09 AM.
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hello December!
Bonjour Decembre!
안녕하세요 12월!

Anyway, enough fun with translators.

I want to make a long blog, but it's late so I won't.
Wait til tomorrow, kids!

I do have to talk about my English class today.

Wait no, I'm too tired too.
I promise tomorrow I will!

In a nutshell,
I still adore my teacher. He's really cute
He is the most engaging and fun teacher ever.
I'm SO taking AP Social Justice next year.
Today was a good day.

Love you guys!

, 10:34 PM.


fifteen , gay

▪ A job. Please? :D
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.